latest 20 messages by nyuszika7h

+ [2016-06-11T15:19:11Z] nyuszika7h it seems to always create a merge commit when updating my fork from upstream
+ [2016-06-11T15:19:01Z] nyuszika7h is there a way to force GitHub for Windows to do a fast-forward update from upstream when it is possible?
+ [2015-05-26T13:28:27Z] nyuszika7h is there any way to get a diff link for a wiki edit from the API?
+ [2015-05-03T20:48:58Z] nyuszika7h or you can also do this in an already cloned repo: git rm -rf .; touch; git add; git commit -m 'Initial commit'; git push --force
+ [2015-05-03T20:47:04Z] nyuszika7h git init; touch; git commit -m 'Initial commit'; git remote add origin<username>/<repo>.git; git push --force
+ [2015-05-03T20:44:37Z] nyuszika7h srruby: initialize it like you would initialize a new repository, just use 'git push --force'
+ [2015-05-02T12:21:35Z] nyuszika7h might work with admin too, not 100% sure
+ [2015-05-02T12:21:28Z] nyuszika7h which means they can't contribute to any of your repositories
+ [2015-05-02T12:21:21Z] nyuszika7h Raydiation: if you are the owner of the repository, you can block the user
+ [2015-04-20T09:39:39Z] nyuszika7h I have my netbook here
+ [2015-04-20T09:39:25Z] nyuszika7h oh well, I'll use the mobile site
+ [2015-04-20T09:37:04Z] nyuszika7h OctoDroid doesn't seem to support issues :/ and the official app is buggy
+ [2015-01-30T14:19:58Z] nyuszika7h you only changed the display name
+ [2015-01-30T14:19:34Z] nyuszika7h note that renaming the organization and/or repo (even if only the case) may cause issues
+ [2015-01-30T14:19:18Z] nyuszika7h rename the organization
+ [2015-01-12T18:08:18Z] nyuszika7h tl;dr: not without making a new pull request
+ [2015-01-12T18:07:46Z] nyuszika7h nedbat:
+ [2015-01-12T14:01:11Z] nyuszika7h like I said earlier, the Irker service appears to be broken. it says "Last delivery was successful" but I'm not seeing a connection attempt. a friend tried to connect to my irkerd and it worked just fine. the repo is lykoss/lykos