+[10 years ago]nyuszika7hRaydiation: if you are the owner of the repository, you can block the user +[10 years ago]nyuszika7hwhich means they can't contribute to any of your repositories +[10 years ago]nyuszika7hmight work with admin too, not 100% sure +[10 years ago]smkellyDid the repo transfer functionality move in GHE 2.2? I don't see it under stafftools' repo admin page +[10 years ago]smkellynevermind, got it
Raydiation: if you are the owner of the repository, you can block the user
+[10 years ago]mandeepbcan someone help me setup ssh with my text editor? +[10 years ago]mandeepbor https whichever is easier +[10 years ago]woodruffwwhat do you mean by set it up? +[10 years ago]AntstomperGithub lel +[10 years ago]mandeepbwoodruffw im not sure how to use sublime text to push to github