latest 17 messages by p91
does anybody know how to include headers only if a special plugin is used on a blog post?
is tehre maybe a way for a plugin to alter the header of the page or to add something to the fotter?
I also am still stuck with my header and MathJax problem.
hi, does anybody know how to only include the mathjax headers if the side is really using LaTex instead of including it into every side?
jaybe: that sound like a good way to do it exspecally as I could build a static uploading side with that and not have to worry about side generating. I will try that
hi, has anybody an idea how to best implement an file archive in octopress? Is there already a plugin for example listing all files in a directory or something along these lines?
pontiki: ah, that clears up a lot. thanks for the explanation!
man, I always write so mcu
hi, for some reason it was rewritten but I did not want it to be rewritten. I thought removing the {{server_url}} in front would leave the line just as I wanted it to be. This was not the case. The line was rewritten for some reason. So I put the http in front which fixed it. Not sure why or why I needed to run rake generate twice to see the effect (maybe my browser had the side still cached?) but now it works as it should.
hi, if I want to create an link to a subdomain in my navigation, what do I have to do? writting <a href="">Subdomain</a> in /custom/navigation.html will be rewritten to <a href="
pontiki: taht is waht I have done for now. Still have some errors in it but once I see the problem, it should be good to go
@pontki hm, I think I have to explain more. I not only want to alter the colors but also need to alter how the data is processed. The wireshark data has already line numbering in hex in front so I want to replace the line nubering by the hex numbering. This is followed by 16 rows of hex data and then the ascii reprsentation of this. So I am looking for the python files processing this to alter them that they fit my needs. Not sure if this is the
I have some data from wireshark files so it would be great if I could siplay them in a nice way
hi, has anybody some information on writing your own Solarized highlight schemes? I just cannot find where the pygment files are stored