+ [12 years ago] pontiki if you have: <li><a href="tamouse.org" >old</a></li> in navigation.html, for instance?
+ [12 years ago] pontiki that is exactly what is written into the static .html file in public
+ [12 years ago] pontiki so your browser automatically adds the base url to that
+ [12 years ago] pontiki nothing is actually rewritten
+ [12 years ago] p91 pontiki: ah, that clears up a lot. thanks for the explanation!

message no. 3203

Posted by p91 in #octopress at 2013-06-20T12:51:59Z

hi, for some reason it was rewritten but I did not want it to be rewritten. I thought removing the {{server_url}} in front would leave the line just as I wanted it to be. This was not the case. The line was rewritten for some reason. So I put the http in front which fixed it. Not sure why or why I needed to run rake generate twice to see the effect (maybe my browser had the side still cached?) but now it works as it should.
+ [12 years ago] p91 hi, has anybody an idea how to best implement an file archive in octopress? Is there already a plugin for example listing all files in a directory or something along these lines?
+ [12 years ago] jaybe p91, i often simply leverage the web server' pretty index feature along with header/footer… or uses an embed of the directory in question. it's not super elegant but works simply.
+ [12 years ago] p91 jaybe: that sound like a good way to do it exspecally as I could build a static uploading side with that and not have to worry about side generating. I will try that
+ [12 years ago] inque hello! does anyone know anything about twitter tweets in aside?
+ [12 years ago] inque why it's disabled and will it work?