latest 16 messages by padraic

+ [11 years ago] padraic @jaybe: Thanks!
+ [11 years ago] padraic @jaybe: you're right, I thought it must be much more complicated!
+ [11 years ago] padraic anyone understand why this might be happening?
+ [11 years ago] padraic Generating... error: Permission denied - /home/sss/thisblog/_site/jekyll/update/welcome-to-jekyll/index.html. Use --trace to view backtrace
+ [11 years ago] padraic Destination: /home/sss/thisblog/_site
+ [11 years ago] padraic Source: /home/sss/thisblog
+ [11 years ago] padraic Configuration file: /home/sss/thisblog/_config.yml
+ [11 years ago] padraic jekyll serve -w
+ [11 years ago] padraic when trying to serve or build my site I am getting the folllowing error:
+ [11 years ago] padraic I have a jekyll setup on my laptop and shared server. I think I have set up the post receive hook correctly but my site doesn't seem to work. Looking through the guide how do I "tell nginx or Apache to look at /var/www/myrepo"?
+ [11 years ago] padraic kaffeebohne++ thanks for the help - that sorted it
+ [11 years ago] padraic will do, thanks for your help
+ [11 years ago] padraic I wonder if it is possible to force the local install or if I have my Path messed up somehow
+ [11 years ago] padraic that's weird because when I try 'gem install jekyll' I get 'You don't have write permissions into the /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8 directory.'
+ [11 years ago] padraic Hi folks, quick question. I have space on a shared server and no root access. Is it possible to install jekyll?