+[11 years ago]durin_is there any way to get the :categories tag in the permalink to "pretty" the url like :title does? ie: convert to lowercase, replace spaces with -, etc +[11 years ago]padraiccarbanger +[11 years ago]ekkelettjaybe: oh god, I had a ridicilous typo that made redcarpet not do what I needed it to do. it's really fast, but kramdown has more extensions which is a woo for me. +[11 years ago]ekkelettit bothers me though; I liked rdiscount for its implementation of abbr +[11 years ago]travis-ci[travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#2599 (cibuild) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/16387556
+[11 years ago]jaybeekkelett, i enjoy pandoc, greatly. :) +[11 years ago]pontikiis kramdown using pandoc? or did i miss something there... +[11 years ago]jaybekramdown and pandoc are two distinctly different parsers +[11 years ago]e1nh4nd3rMorning folks. Got a question re: formatting in Jekyll. +[11 years ago]e1nh4nd3rAny reason why block-quotes don't auto-wrap in a default installation of jekyll?