latest 14 messages by parallel21

+ [2016-04-20T22:51:04Z] parallel21 should work, yea?
+ [2016-04-20T22:50:53Z] parallel21 like `for item in collection | sort: 'myAwesomeProperty`
+ [2016-04-20T22:50:30Z] parallel21 In a collection, am I able to sort on a yml property?
+ [2016-04-19T19:18:22Z] parallel21
+ [2016-04-19T19:18:22Z] parallel21 Why would the first not work but the second for loop does
+ [2016-04-19T19:18:12Z] parallel21 So I have some success
+ [2016-04-19T18:16:58Z] parallel21 I'm not sure how to debug
+ [2016-04-19T18:16:54Z] parallel21 I have a page that uses a layout, and in the layout it iterates through the markdown files the loop statement `for doc in site.toast` and {{doc.content}} but I'm getting a blank page
+ [2016-04-19T18:15:29Z] parallel21 with a directory of markdown files within `_toast`
+ [2016-04-19T18:15:18Z] parallel21 I have _config.yml set with a collection titled `toast`
+ [2016-04-19T07:22:21Z] parallel21 gynter: Thank you! exactly what I was looking for
+ [2016-04-19T07:10:08Z] parallel21 So one could define a larger page into sections on markdown
+ [2016-04-19T07:09:49Z] parallel21 Would there be a way to render a directory of markdown files as a single page