+ [2016-04-19T21:01:10Z] miklb yeah, that' the last i saw, subscribed to that pull request discussion but hadn't seen any more. Didn't know if any other channel there might have been an update on.
+ [2016-04-19T21:32:26Z] gynter ok, jekyllthemes.org should be up2date now again
+ [2016-04-19T21:32:42Z] gynter 7 new themes + 1 updated
+ [2016-04-19T21:55:41Z] istrasci1 I'm using page frontmatter to set permalinks, but `jekyll build` is not putting the files in the right place. For example, my about.html page should get built to about/index.html, right? What am I doing wrong?
+ [2016-04-19T22:03:44Z] istrasci1 OK, I think I had the syntax for the Frontmatter wrong: I had put `permalink: /about`, but it should be `permalink: about/`.

message no. 132333

Posted by parallel21 in #jekyll at 2016-04-19T18:15:29Z

with a directory of markdown files within `_toast`
+ [2016-04-20T03:52:20Z] allejo when using "serve" or "--watch" and a file from a collection changes, does it regenerate the entire website?
+ [2016-04-20T03:57:03Z] jaybe allejo, hi. yes, by default, for any changed file. there is an experimental feature call 'incremental generation' [[ incremental ]] that provides for systematic rebuilds
+ [2016-04-20T03:57:03Z] jekyllrb (incremental) (#1) http://idratherbewriting.com/2015/11/04/jekyll-30-released-incremental-regeneration-rocks/, or (#2) https://jekyllrb.com/docs/configuration/
+ [2016-04-20T04:07:34Z] allejo oh sweet, thanks for the links
+ [2016-04-20T09:05:33Z] tools_ Hey I have a couple of product pages I need to render and for that I need to include markdown, where I have used this guide: http://wolfslittlestore.be/2013/10/rendering-markdown-in-jekyll/