+ [2014-02-14T23:19:47Z] penibelst twisted`: use the layout variable to set lyout. Why do you need category?
+ [2014-02-14T23:20:22Z] twisted` penibelst: I'm sorry I'm not sure what you meant
+ [2014-02-14T23:20:28Z] twisted` but I figured it out: {% for post in site.categories[page.category] %}
+ [2014-02-14T23:21:26Z] penibelst twisted`: congrats
+ [2014-02-14T23:21:45Z] twisted` yeah first time using jekyll so it's a bit confusing :)

message no. 18701

Posted by penibelst in #jekyll at 2014-02-14T23:19:47Z

twisted`: use the layout variable to set lyout. Why do you need category?
+ [2014-02-15T08:49:15Z] lxsameer_ hi, I'm using custom plugin with my jekyll website, should i convert all and upload only the _site directory or can i convert and push all the project to github page ?
+ [2014-02-15T09:08:47Z] kaffeebohne lxsameer_, afaik you can't use jekyll plugins with github pages.
+ [2014-02-15T09:09:23Z] kaffeebohne So if you want to use a plugin you either have to build the site on your pc or use an other host.
+ [2014-02-15T09:14:51Z] lxsameer_ kaffeebohne: i see, but my question is that if i want to use github, should i only push _site directory or whole project ?
+ [2014-02-15T09:15:51Z] kaffeebohne lxsameer_, I never used github pages, so I have no clue, sorry. But if your website is not build by github I guess you have to upload the build without the sources. ;)