latest 20 messages by penk

+ [2015-04-06T19:14:11Z] penk i'll be honmest, i'm close to abandoning this for a different platform because this seems really awkward and broken :(
+ [2015-04-06T19:13:48Z] penk so is there any themeing mechanism for jekyll that doesn't involve duplicating the entire site into the theme (making it very hard to change themes later)?
+ [2015-03-25T18:40:26Z] penk yah, i renamed it to a markdown file (embarassingly, it was an HTML file), and I'm able to markdown stuff now.
+ [2015-03-25T18:33:33Z] penk hi folks, in blog posts / pages, there's a YAML header, but the rest of the page is pure HTML, right? ven though they have a .markdown extension?
+ [2015-03-21T14:11:25Z] penk the conversation thread i'm working on:
+ [2015-03-21T14:10:37Z] penk ruby v2.0.0p481 on my mac won't install hilife... and my hosting company is using 1.9, so i'm pretty well hosed if i want to build on the host. maybe i'll switch to s3 hosting.
+ [2015-03-21T14:09:53Z] penk jaybe: i'm hitting problems with versions, alas :(
+ [2015-03-21T12:27:49Z] penk and lo i go down the twisty painful path of Jekyll themes.
+ [2015-03-10T02:18:01Z] penk you in the midwest?
+ [2015-03-10T02:17:58Z] penk shawnee?
+ [2015-03-10T02:17:46Z] penk yay. stats showing an active user on the site. good.
+ [2015-03-10T02:17:19Z] penk actually, if you look at the glossary, would lvoe to see if i got anything wrong. i'm remarkably new to drone racing / fpv... learning like crazy, but i TOTALLY want to promote it.
+ [2015-03-10T02:16:44Z] penk awesome :)
+ [2015-03-10T02:15:58Z] penk now to see if GA is showing data
+ [2015-03-10T02:15:52Z] penk pushed and it looks great.
+ [2015-03-10T02:14:28Z] penk i -love- the static build. jekyll is tasty. :)
+ [2015-03-10T02:14:10Z] penk rebuilding now
+ [2015-03-10T02:14:07Z] penk yah, that did it.
+ [2015-03-10T02:13:45Z] penk then i can ... GIT ER DUN
+ [2015-03-10T02:13:23Z] penk (I'm really not good at git)