+[2015-03-21T17:13:21Z]seemantjxf: ya +[2015-03-21T17:13:38Z]seemantjxf: gonna push the commit to GH in a bit +[2015-03-21T17:13:51Z]seemantjxf: just troubleshooting a bootstrap-accordion issue, then can share the code +[2015-03-21T17:13:54Z]jxfalright -- I have to run, unfortunately, but perhaps someone else can help +[2015-03-21T17:14:13Z]seemantjxf: thank you for reading, chatting and helping. Happy Saturday :)
the conversation thread i'm working on: https://github.com/chrisanthropic/slim-pickins-jekyll-theme/issues/2
+[2015-03-23T09:40:52Z]chemichey folks.. wanted to ask about jekyll assets.. is that type of plugin already built into latest jekyll? https://github.com/jekyll-assets/jekyll-assets +[2015-03-23T09:40:54Z]jekyllrbTitle: jekyll-assets/jekyll-assets · GitHub (at github.com) +[2015-03-23T09:52:19Z]chemicI’m looking for a way to minimize css and js + add a hash while using bourbon for scss as well :9 +[2015-03-23T09:56:29Z]chemicsass: +[2015-03-23T09:56:30Z]chemic style: :compressed