latest 20 messages by pontiki_

+ [2014-02-13T10:25:32Z] pontiki_ are you using an auto-reload?
+ [2014-02-13T10:24:04Z] pontiki_ i mean content writing
+ [2014-02-13T10:23:47Z] pontiki_ but not so much in writing?
+ [2014-02-13T10:22:47Z] pontiki_ jaybe: do you use the --watch features in jekyll much?
+ [2014-02-13T10:13:10Z] pontiki_ more limited that */_posts/* -- it only does #{source}/_posts/*
+ [2014-02-13T09:58:02Z] pontiki_ it just moves all posts into a stash directory except the post you specify
+ [2014-02-13T09:55:58Z] pontiki_ i've modified my OP blog rake file to automatically isolate when i create a new post
+ [2014-02-13T09:55:21Z] pontiki_ i like that better than OP's isolate/integrate
+ [2014-02-13T09:52:37Z] pontiki_ is it something you'd do for publishing as well, or only during the write/edit cycle?
+ [2014-02-13T09:44:44Z] pontiki_ simulation, not actual building
+ [2014-02-13T09:44:15Z] pontiki_ using that sort of function within the build strikes me as doable
+ [2014-02-13T09:42:36Z] pontiki_ Are you familiar with rake file tasks and rules?
+ [2014-02-13T09:37:17Z] pontiki_ this incremental regen thing has me thinking now how i might be able to simulate it with a rakefile. not the stashing bit, but the make-like file operations. Generating the rule that's based on the input is newer than output pattern seems the stumbling block.
+ [2014-01-08T08:48:50Z] pontiki_ a plugin wouldn't be hard to write, just wondering if someone has already done it
+ [2014-01-08T08:48:17Z] pontiki_ just wondering if anyone has heard of a plugin that makes blog post writing easier to integrate?
+ [2014-01-08T08:47:45Z] pontiki_ i'd prefer to host the images off S3
+ [2014-01-08T08:47:26Z] pontiki_ working on my art blog site, i'm looking for something to help with the images (which can be large) and i don't want to store them in my repo
+ [2013-07-02T19:10:30Z] pontiki_ and a little iffy , if you ask me
+ [2013-07-02T19:10:22Z] pontiki_ the master/source branch thing is *very* specific to GH pages