+ [2014-02-13T20:29:31Z] kaffeebohne Hm, I guess I'm at the point where I have to use something different. :(
+ [2014-02-13T20:37:26Z] jaybe rake/make task -> 1. mv mysite/comments /tmp/comments && 2. jekyll build && 3. mv /tmp/comments ./_site/comments
+ [2014-02-13T21:55:58Z] parkr howdy!

message no. 18595

Posted by pontiki_ in #jekyll at 2014-02-13T09:37:17Z

this incremental regen thing has me thinking now how i might be able to simulate it with a rakefile. not the stashing bit, but the make-like file operations. Generating the rule that's based on the input is newer than output pattern seems the stumbling block.
+ [2014-02-14T17:33:01Z] mvarrieur Is there a comparison in liquid templating that's case agnostic?
+ [2014-02-14T17:41:21Z] jaybe mvarrieur, something such as the following would certainly accomplish it: {% capture temp %} {% my.var | downcase %} {% endcapture %} {% if temp = 'insensitive all the things' %} ... {% endif %}
+ [2014-02-14T17:48:39Z] mvarrieur jaybe: Thanks but I seem to be having an issue with the capture block when I try to generate I'm getting an exception. I was hoping to do something like {% if tag | downcase == page.tag %} but it doesn't work either
+ [2014-02-14T17:49:18Z] jaybe my bad
+ [2014-02-14T17:49:32Z] jaybe mvarrieur, something such as the following would certainly accomplish it: {% capture temp %} {{ my.var | downcase }} {% endcapture %} {% if temp = 'insensitive all the things' %} ... {% endif %}