latest 18 messages by pvinis

+ [2013-08-31T12:21:36Z] pvinis is there a better way to write this?
+ [2013-08-31T12:21:09Z] pvinis the [Day part becomes a codeblock instead of a link
+ [2013-08-31T12:20:48Z] pvinis this
+ [2013-08-31T12:20:46Z] pvinis {% endfor %}
+ [2013-08-31T12:20:44Z] pvinis {% endif %}
+ [2013-08-31T12:20:42Z] pvinis [Day {{ }} ({{ post.title }})]({{ post.url }})
+ [2013-08-31T12:20:42Z] pvinis {% if != 0 %}
+ [2013-08-31T12:20:42Z] pvinis {% for post in site.tags.testing-stuff reversed %}
+ [2013-08-31T12:19:37Z] pvinis cool. wait
+ [2013-08-31T12:19:22Z] pvinis (greek?)
+ [2013-08-31T12:19:11Z] pvinis i want to be a link like it should. and i want indentation in the file to be just for me
+ [2013-08-31T10:06:08Z] pvinis what can i do to stop that?
+ [2013-08-31T10:06:00Z] pvinis when the post renders, it makes the link a codeblock
+ [2013-08-31T10:05:40Z] pvinis and below, a link line four spaces indentation
+ [2013-08-31T10:05:24Z] pvinis an {% if line indented with two spaces
+ [2013-08-31T10:05:08Z] pvinis a {% for line
+ [2013-08-31T10:04:58Z] pvinis i have something like
+ [2013-08-31T10:04:32Z] pvinis hello. i am having some trouble with markdown indentation and rendering of the posts