+ [2013-08-31T23:18:28Z] jaybe it's not the include tag that doesn't accept, it's the liquid vessel. tags work on tag render. {{ tag }}
+ [2013-08-31T23:18:33Z] penibelst jaybe: can you please provide a working gist?
+ [2013-08-31T23:18:41Z] jaybe working gist for what
+ [2013-08-31T23:19:57Z] jaybe {% capture myvar %} {% include massive_include.include %} {% include another-include-with-tons-of-newlines.include %} {% endcapture %} <h2> {{ myvar | strip_newlines }} </h2>
+ [2013-08-31T23:20:42Z] penibelst jaybe: thank you, I try it.

message no. 7433

Posted by pvinis in #jekyll at 2013-08-31T10:05:24Z

an {% if line indented with two spaces
+ [2013-09-01T01:05:36Z] pontiki this is actually a markdown question I think. How can I present a block of verse (poetry)?
+ [2013-09-01T01:05:46Z] pontiki should i just bound it in <pre></pre> ?
+ [2013-09-01T01:09:49Z] pontiki no :(
+ [2013-09-01T01:09:57Z] pontiki that makes it look like code
+ [2013-09-01T01:14:34Z] pontiki ah ha!: end a line with two or more spaces to induce a <br>