+[2014-01-27T22:17:51Z]pontiki^ Parker0 +[2014-01-27T22:19:46Z]Parker0pontiki I tried to publish to public/blog and the index page loads under site.com/blog/index.html but clicking on the posts do not work +[2014-01-27T22:22:14Z]pontikiwhat happens? +[2014-01-27T22:22:38Z]pontikican you look under the public/blog/ folder and see anything there? +[2014-01-27T22:23:15Z]pontikialso, look at the actual html and see swhat is there
for information, i installed octopress using 2.1.0
+[2014-01-30T17:54:01Z]petey_How do I post links in octopress? +[2014-01-31T02:31:34Z]pontikihey all +[2014-02-01T18:04:38Z]lucianohello all +[2014-02-01T18:05:59Z]lucianoi've had my octopress installation running and than changed computers, in the process i did not backup old installation... to cut the story short - how can i pull "backup" from my website with rsync and than keep on editing site onwards? +[2014-02-01T18:17:01Z]jaybeluciano, you need to source of the web site... not just the generated HTML files.