latest 20 messages by ravigehlot

+ [2015-02-20T20:40:31Z] ravigehlot Issuing "git reset --hard HEAD" will revert current changed to the last commit?
+ [2014-12-06T12:11:07Z] ravigehlot anything I need to change on git?
+ [2014-12-06T12:11:00Z] ravigehlot When I `git pull`, I get public key permission denied. Fair enough..I add my public key to the authorized_keys on the server side and it all works. The issue is that I want git to use another public_key. So I do the same process..this time, it won't take other key. why?
+ [2014-09-06T17:53:14Z] ravigehlot I can't clone any github repository. It tells me that the publickey has been denied. This is the case for any repository on github.
+ [2014-08-10T12:40:34Z] ravigehlot We have had a project on Git set up on a hosting account without GitHub. So they installed Git Server on the hosting account. We want to get rid of that in favor of GitHub. We are planning on buying the Micro plan for 7 bucks a month. That will then be the new home of that project. The question is, will the history be transfered over? Will it count torwards my overall "Year of Contributions" on Github?
+ [2014-07-23T00:57:40Z] ravigehlot Will `git reset --hard HEAD~1` (for the last commit) also delete history of that commit?
+ [2014-07-18T20:38:01Z] ravigehlot I commited and pushed 4 changes to GitHub. A pull request was created. The reviewer has asked me to squash all 4 into 1 before he could merge them. The problem is that when I run `git rebase -i master`, I no longer see my commits. If I do `git rebase -i HEAD~3`, I no longer see my last 3 commits. What am I doing wrong?
+ [2014-07-18T19:14:59Z] ravigehlot Nevik: so what is the verdict?
+ [2014-07-18T19:14:27Z] ravigehlot Nevik: "could you squash to one commit please"
+ [2014-07-18T19:13:49Z] ravigehlot Nevik: let me read the e-mail again
+ [2014-07-18T19:12:56Z] ravigehlot Nevik: There has been 4 commits that were pushed to GitHub. The pull request reviewer wants me to stash all 4 commits. Is it possible?
+ [2014-07-18T19:11:47Z] ravigehlot Nevik: okay. So the rule is to stash before pushing, correct?
+ [2014-07-18T19:09:40Z] ravigehlot Can I stash commits that have already been pushed to Github? If so, how?