+ [2014-08-10T22:00:54Z] itsrachelfish What's the best way to merge a repo on github into another while preserving the original history?
+ [2014-08-10T22:02:10Z] milki maybe a subtree merge
+ [2014-08-10T22:02:13Z] itsrachelfish The goal is to just have one repo with all the history, so I can delete the old one
+ [2014-08-10T22:04:06Z] milki itsrachelfish: !subtree
+ [2014-08-10T22:04:06Z] gitinfo itsrachelfish: The subtree merge method is great for incorporating a subsidiary git repo into your current one with "unified" history. Read http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Subtree-Merging for more info, see also !git-subtree and !git-stich-repo.

message no. 38181

Posted by ravigehlot in #github at 2014-08-10T12:40:34Z

We have had a project on Git set up on a hosting account without GitHub. So they installed Git Server on the hosting account. We want to get rid of that in favor of GitHub. We are planning on buying the Micro plan for 7 bucks a month. That will then be the new home of that project. The question is, will the history be transfered over? Will it count torwards my overall "Year of Contributions" on Github?
+ [2014-08-11T08:24:02Z] gshmu github enhancement at the picture bottom https://clbin.com/pt404N.png
+ [2014-08-11T08:25:30Z] gshmu I check my picture again, and Rotation it. always the bottom has the blank
+ [2014-08-11T08:27:33Z] gshmu https://clbin.com/CAWn3N.png
+ [2014-08-11T10:07:23Z] java-programmer Dear Users, may I ask a question about Git?
+ [2014-08-11T10:08:00Z] tobiasvl java-programmer: !ask