latest 4 messages by rdj

+ [2015-04-21T22:30:14Z] rdj Gonna take that as a yes, but I will check the log later. My compliments on your great documentation.
+ [2015-04-21T22:04:25Z] rdj And no existing extensibility point for post-load processing of the data files? I see plugin support for various things but not massaging data.
+ [2015-04-21T21:39:51Z] rdj y accurate?
+ [2015-04-21T21:39:51Z] rdj Hi, folks. Looks like the data YAML files provided structured data, but (since Jekyll uses SafeYAML which disables marshaling) there's no way to end up with typed data beyond the simple strings, numbers, lists, and dictionaries. So if you wanted any kind of resuable data processing, you'd have to do it with liquid filters or the like, you can't stick a data model between the YAML and your templates. Is that basicall