latest 11 messages by roflmyeggo

+ [2016-08-16T20:38:45Z] roflmyeggo is there a reason gh-pages branch would not update after pushing a pre-compiled version of my Jekyll site to the remote?
+ [2016-08-16T03:01:58Z] roflmyeggo anyone know any tips for debugging why github-pages Jekyll installation wont update with manual pushing to gh-pages branch?
+ [2015-11-18T18:57:57Z] roflmyeggo but wont textile markup not working anymore
+ [2015-11-18T18:57:34Z] roflmyeggo PrincessZoey: it works now, thanks!
+ [2015-11-18T18:56:14Z] roflmyeggo even if i am using textile?
+ [2015-11-18T18:55:46Z] roflmyeggo PrincessZoey: in my _posts folder I have my_posts.textile
+ [2015-11-18T18:45:52Z] roflmyeggo anyone have any ideas what this could be caused by?
+ [2015-11-18T18:42:52Z] roflmyeggo when i click on a post i just see index.html.textile
+ [2015-11-18T18:42:41Z] roflmyeggo im having issues serving locally