+ [2016-08-16T16:01:53Z] jekyllrb The operation succeeded.
+ [2016-08-16T16:01:52Z] zero-gravitas ./learn gui is http://www.siteleaf.com
+ [2016-08-16T16:02:04Z] jekyllrb (gui) (#1) guthub.com, or (#2) prose.io, or (#3) http://cloudcannon.com/jekyll-gui/, or (#4) https://github.com/gabriel-john/utterson, or (#5) http://jekyllrb.com/news/2016/06/03/update-on-jekyll-s-google-summer-of-code-projects/, or (#6) http://www.siteleaf.com
+ [2016-08-16T23:16:42Z] CompanionCube is there any particular reason that post.excerpt would be empty?

message no. 146889

Posted by roflmyeggo in #jekyll at 2016-08-16T03:01:58Z

anyone know any tips for debugging why github-pages Jekyll installation wont update with manual pushing to gh-pages branch?
+ [2016-08-17T04:52:10Z] darkbit How can i check if a data file is present or have no entries? I tried site.data.something == nil or site.data.something.size == 0 but it doesn't seem to work. It seems that jekyll does not create the variable if the data file does not exist and so how can I check the variable's existence?
+ [2016-08-17T04:58:08Z] darkbit anyway, i got it
+ [2016-08-17T11:25:10Z] jaybe darkbit: share how :)
+ [2016-08-17T11:28:19Z] darkbit i used {% if site.data.something.size %} do your stuff {% else %} do this when nothing is found {% endif %}
+ [2016-08-17T11:29:00Z] darkbit if 'something' is not declared then something.size would return nil