latest 4 messages by rrawlins

+ [2016-07-22T12:40:11Z] rrawlins Is ether any way to set environment specific configs in _config.yml which are switched using the JEKYLL_ENV value? Or do we still take the old approach of two seperate config files?
+ [2016-07-20T19:38:01Z] rrawlins jaybe: actually, looks like the unreleased Themes option is what I'm looking for, perfectly fits my use-case.
+ [2016-07-20T19:22:18Z] rrawlins jaybe: thanks for coming back to me. Which config options are the ones I should be interested in? includes_dir and layouts_dir? Somehow point those at multiple paths?
+ [2016-07-20T16:44:28Z] rrawlins Hey gang. Is is possible to share a set of layouts and includes across multiple separate Jekyll sites, via a plugin or gem? Or do the files need to physically reside in each project?