+ [2016-07-20T20:21:16Z] d3rrial Hmm, OK. Thank you very much for your help, then! :)
+ [2016-07-20T20:23:29Z] miklb d3rrial oh, I suppose you could do it in Front Matter before you publish
+ [2016-07-20T20:24:00Z] miklb i.e. manually create it and it would be available in the template
+ [2016-07-20T20:24:39Z] d3rrial Maybe with a script... Yeah, didn't even think of it like that, thanks!
+ [2016-07-20T20:26:44Z] miklb

message no. 144012

Posted by rrawlins in #jekyll at 2016-07-20T19:22:18Z

jaybe: thanks for coming back to me. Which config options are the ones I should be interested in? includes_dir and layouts_dir? Somehow point those at multiple paths?
+ [2016-07-21T01:47:17Z] WasabiFan What would I need to do to call into the "dependency" logic in Jekyll (the code that keeps track of which files depend on which others) from an external script? Is there an easy way to access that code externally?
+ [2016-07-21T02:10:24Z] ocpysh hi
+ [2016-07-21T02:11:21Z] ocpysh I would like to have a dir (data) be public, giving me a result such as domain.com/data/filename.ext
+ [2016-07-21T02:11:32Z] ocpysh how can I do that?
+ [2016-07-21T02:12:01Z] ocpysh basically, anything I add to the data dir I want to be public, and accessible through domain.com/data/..