+[2015-11-14T23:27:48Z]jekyllrbTitle: pygments.rb | RubyGems.org | your community gem host (at rubygems.org) +[2015-11-14T23:27:51Z]gynterdis +[2015-11-14T23:28:13Z]gynterbut why, don't you like rouge? +[2015-11-14T23:28:35Z]insidious15I don't like rouge :( +[2015-11-14T23:28:42Z]insidious15also im on acid and i really feel like i should be using pygments
message no. 119933
Posted by saadq in #jekyll at 2015-11-14T04:22:49Z
pontiki: Well I mean I need the assets for the site
+[2015-11-15T01:10:14Z]jaybein that state, you should choose what is best for you. +[2015-11-15T01:28:06Z]PrincessZoeyI should do a shit load of acid and code a website :P +[2015-11-15T06:25:42Z]travis-ciStargator/github-metadata#2 (bump-jekyll-v2) The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/Stargator/github-metadata/builds/91195122 +[2015-11-15T11:31:20Z]pontikiway to kill the channel, PrincessZoey +[2015-11-15T14:56:20Z]jaybepontiki, o/ seen this? http://meethyde.com