latest 13 messages by samaaron

+ [2013-06-10T16:16:33Z] samaaron what a complete eejit
+ [2013-06-10T16:16:23Z] samaaron I just needed to use the site.baseurl in my template
+ [2013-06-10T16:16:14Z] samaaron ah, solved it - I was just being a numpty
+ [2013-06-10T16:08:45Z] samaaron I added it in there too
+ [2013-06-10T16:08:30Z] samaaron cnf: thanks :-)
+ [2013-06-10T16:08:14Z] samaaron jekyll doesn't seem to accept --baseurl any more
+ [2013-06-10T16:08:04Z] samaaron perhaps the syntax I'm using is incorrect?
+ [2013-06-10T16:07:50Z] samaaron (in the generated site)
+ [2013-06-10T16:07:38Z] samaaron well, when I runn that command, i get no matches when i try to grep
+ [2013-06-10T16:06:10Z] samaaron I'm happy to use absolute urls (i.e. urls that start with /) if I can set the base url to an existing url
+ [2013-06-10T16:05:25Z] samaaron cnf: that's helpful, thanks ;-)
+ [2013-06-10T16:02:43Z] samaaron I tried: jekyll build baseurl: ''
+ [2013-06-10T16:02:04Z] samaaron I'm trying to host a Jekyll created site within an existing domain - by changing all the links to relative links, things are looking good. However, I'm not sure how to make the post links relative. Is there a simple config I can use?