+ [2013-06-10T16:16:14Z] samaaron ah, solved it - I was just being a numpty
+ [2013-06-10T16:16:23Z] samaaron I just needed to use the site.baseurl in my template
+ [2013-06-10T16:16:33Z] samaaron what a complete eejit
+ [2013-06-10T23:17:52Z] jaybe mojobot, tell parkr need to chat with you re: #chan mgmt
+ [2013-06-10T23:17:53Z] mojobot @jaybe: Sodesu sensei sama!

message no. 2724

Posted by samaaron in #jekyll at 2013-06-10T16:07:38Z

well, when I runn that command, i get no matches when i try to grep foo.com
+ [2013-06-11T08:09:48Z] cnf m00
+ [2013-06-11T11:03:21Z] parkr mojobot ping
+ [2013-06-11T13:04:08Z] tomb_ mojobot die
+ [2013-06-11T13:04:16Z] tomb_ silly parkr leaving defaults :P