latest 11 messages by sangyye

+ [2014-11-07T20:08:17Z] sangyye rob_: done that, didn't work. So I remove everything and downgrade to jekyll 2.4, everything works now.
+ [2014-11-07T16:08:45Z] sangyye have someone seen this error: ".gem/ruby/2.1.0/gems/mercenary-0.3.4/lib/mercenary.rb:20:in `program': cannot load such file -- mercenary/program (LoadError)" ?
+ [2014-09-27T10:29:26Z] sangyye Hey, do somebody know how to use ? I try to use it, but don't really know how.
+ [2014-01-02T13:05:43Z] sangyye Hurz: Hi, not that I know. But you could do this if you use github, there you can add and edit files via the webinterface and make a commit. Than github will rebuild the complete site
+ [2014-01-02T10:41:37Z] sangyye bret: post files are just yaml files that contain Markdown. So parsing should be easy. You just need a lib for node that parse Markdown
+ [2014-01-01T23:07:20Z] sangyye ls__: a symlink to the /var/wwwi think
+ [2014-01-01T22:44:17Z] sangyye ls__: for nginx it's just installing it and copy/link _site to the right place. jekyll im --watch mode should do the trick I think.
+ [2014-01-01T22:17:08Z] sangyye ls__: I do this. I build it automatically on my pi and than serve it with nginx
+ [2013-12-07T15:23:21Z] sangyye i tried to execute it like on the website, and i always get this message: "jekyll-import/importers/s9y.rb:37:in `process': uninitialized constant JekyllImport::Importers::RSS::Parser (NameError)"
+ [2013-12-07T15:21:04Z] sangyye I have a little problem with the jekyll importer for s9y