+[2014-01-01T22:37:16Z]pontikijust point the root at the public directory +[2014-01-01T22:44:17Z]sangyyels__: for nginx it's just installing it and copy/link _site to the right place. jekyll im --watch mode should do the trick I think. +[2014-01-01T22:49:08Z]ls__Right, a symlink from sites-enabled/link -> sites-available/link +[2014-01-01T22:50:23Z]ls__Im not sure --watch mode? +[2014-01-01T23:07:20Z]sangyyels__: a symlink to the /var/wwwi think
ls__: I do this. I build it automatically on my pi and than serve it with nginx
+[2014-01-02T03:59:37Z]travis-ci[travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#2567 (master) The build was fixed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/16241287 +[2014-01-02T04:56:12Z]bretanyone know of any node modules that parse jekyll post files? +[2014-01-02T10:41:37Z]sangyyebret: post files are just yaml files that contain Markdown. So parsing should be easy. You just need a lib for node that parse Markdown +[2014-01-02T10:51:33Z]pontikiand Liquid +[2014-01-02T12:32:36Z]HurzHi there!! Is there something like a web front end for jekyll, so I can create new pages online?