latest 20 messages by sdaugherty

+ [2016-08-03T14:57:12Z] sdaugherty The project should specify, but a lot of projects on GitHub are somewhat ignorant of copyright and play fast and loose with the rules.
+ [2016-08-03T14:56:02Z] sdaugherty Because in that case, they cannot legally use your contribution, and that creates a mess they have to clean up later.
+ [2016-08-03T14:55:28Z] sdaugherty Right, but you should never contribute work to a project under a license not compatible with the license that project is using.
+ [2016-08-03T14:53:27Z] sdaugherty (compatible in this case, meaning the license do not have conflicting conditions)
+ [2016-08-03T14:53:09Z] sdaugherty ie, if the project is under GPL, you could safely contribute code under LGPL, modified BSD license. or a few of the other lesser used licenses that are compatible.
+ [2016-08-03T14:51:22Z] sdaugherty Generally, when contributing to a project, you should contribute under the same license the project is under, or at least a "compatible" license.
+ [2016-08-03T14:49:48Z] sdaugherty Many projects require some sort of contributor agreement for that reason.
+ [2016-08-03T14:49:19Z] sdaugherty Gurkenglas__, it should be assumed that you are agreeing to the same license that the project is under, but I don't believe github itself enforces it.
+ [2016-08-03T13:04:20Z] sdaugherty Takumo, pretty sure you can, am using it in some pages now.
+ [2016-08-03T06:12:31Z] sdaugherty yeah, rm, commit, push
+ [2016-08-03T06:11:27Z] sdaugherty it's oriented around automated testing of a project, but it can do deployment steps on a successful build too
+ [2016-08-03T06:10:26Z] sdaugherty jenkins automatically runs "build" steps, usually in reaction to events in some sort of VCS
+ [2016-08-03T06:09:05Z] sdaugherty zorro786, its an in addition to, not an in place of
+ [2016-08-03T06:04:03Z] sdaugherty its more effort to set up, but less kludgy if you end up with a complex situation
+ [2016-08-03T06:03:21Z] sdaugherty as are CI tools like Jenkins
+ [2016-08-03T06:02:59Z] sdaugherty deployment tools and config management tools are both good at handling it
+ [2016-08-03T06:02:20Z] sdaugherty You'll quickly find yourself wanting something along the lines of capistrano or a similar tool for a complex project with dependancies and sensitive config files though
+ [2016-08-03T06:01:32Z] sdaugherty Thats a goog solution for simple sites.
+ [2016-08-03T06:00:50Z] sdaugherty look at git rm --help
+ [2016-08-03T06:00:19Z] sdaugherty zorro786, gitignore does nothing to already committed files