+[2016-08-03T13:25:58Z]Takumoweird, will have to look into it because it had frontmatter +[2016-08-03T19:34:36Z]amongerhey, does anyone know how i can set up google analytics event tracking in jekyll? +[2016-08-03T20:11:28Z]jekyllrb(jekyllrb.com) (#1) http://jekyllrb.com, or (#2) https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/tree/master/site +[2016-08-03T20:11:28Z]jaybeamonger: sure. Just like any other web site! :) note the site for [[ jekyllrb.com ]] includes trackers as examples. +[2016-08-03T20:12:13Z]jaybeSee the _config.yml for the defines for analytics. Then also see the templates used to add the analytics code, as examples.
Takumo, pretty sure you can, am using it in some pages now.
+[2016-08-04T04:29:29Z]JustAnotherIdiotanyone know of a good dark theme +[2016-08-04T11:48:23Z]nickjjhas anyone benchmarked build speeds for using includes with params vs custom liquid tags via plugins? +[2016-08-04T17:53:47Z]kristian_on_linuhi +[2016-08-04T17:53:56Z]kristian_on_linuhow do I use a clearfix in jekyll? +[2016-08-04T18:17:33Z]jaybeWhat does that mean?