+ [2016-08-03T13:25:58Z] Takumo weird, will have to look into it because it had frontmatter
+ [2016-08-03T19:34:36Z] amonger hey, does anyone know how i can set up google analytics event tracking in jekyll?
+ [2016-08-03T20:11:28Z] jekyllrb (jekyllrb.com) (#1) http://jekyllrb.com, or (#2) https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/tree/master/site
+ [2016-08-03T20:11:28Z] jaybe amonger: sure. Just like any other web site! :) note the site for [[ jekyllrb.com ]] includes trackers as examples.
+ [2016-08-03T20:12:13Z] jaybe See the _config.yml for the defines for analytics. Then also see the templates used to add the analytics code, as examples.

message no. 145360

Posted by sdaugherty in #jekyll at 2016-08-03T13:04:20Z

Takumo, pretty sure you can, am using it in some pages now.
+ [2016-08-04T11:48:23Z] nickjj has anyone benchmarked build speeds for using includes with params vs custom liquid tags via plugins?
+ [2016-08-04T18:17:33Z] jaybe What does that mean?