latest 20 messages by seanz

+ [2016-11-30T18:14:19Z] seanz milki: I got confirmation that that *is* how it's set up.
+ [2016-11-30T18:09:48Z] seanz I cannot su to the jenkins user on this machine, so I'm left to wonder until someone in the org answers me.
+ [2016-11-30T18:09:33Z] seanz It is. I was trying to figure out how it was able to authenticate. The only way I can figure is that the configuration is done at the system level.
+ [2016-11-30T18:06:31Z] seanz It looks like someone set up the jenkins user with an SSH keypair that is set up as a deploy key in Github, and that's why Jenkins can poll Github without any visible credentials set up directly in Jenkins.
+ [2016-11-30T18:05:59Z] seanz Kind of a dumb question on my part, but I'm trying to troubleshoot why our Jenkins configuration works.
+ [2016-11-30T18:05:46Z] seanz I think you're right.
+ [2016-11-30T18:04:05Z] seanz Howdy, all. Is it possible to make API calls to Github only using a registered SSH keypair?
+ [2015-07-23T20:54:46Z] seanz The Starbucks where I'm currently working blocks port 22. Thanks to this feature and a Stackoverflow article, I didn't miss a beat.
+ [2015-07-23T20:54:23Z] seanz Thank you, GitHub!
+ [2015-05-04T21:49:52Z] seanz tang^: Thanks! It's worth a try.
+ [2015-05-04T21:46:07Z] seanz Dang.
+ [2015-05-04T21:39:28Z] seanz On Github.
+ [2015-05-04T21:39:26Z] seanz Does anyone know how to recover a branch deleted more than a month ago?
+ [2015-05-04T21:39:05Z] seanz VxJasonxV: ping!
+ [2015-02-03T18:11:46Z] seanz VxJasonxV: Thanks very much.
+ [2015-02-03T18:08:48Z] seanz VxJasonxV: I have a question about upgrading our GHE instance - I notice that the latest update assumes we've already upgraded to 2.0 first. Does that mean we have to upgrade to 2.0 before using the latest, or can we safely upload that latest to a server running pre-2.0 software?
+ [2015-02-03T18:06:36Z] seanz VxJasonxV: ping
+ [2014-11-18T00:03:20Z] seanz A team member with admin privileges, that is.
+ [2014-11-18T00:03:12Z] seanz I was trying to disable 2FA in GHE, so I got a team member to impersonate me and disable it.
+ [2014-11-18T00:02:56Z] seanz VxJasonxV: Hey. I actually got it figured out. Thanks, though.