+ [2015-02-03T18:10:15Z] VxJasonxV upgrade* from
+ [2015-02-03T18:10:27Z] colonolGron i just did a forced git push. but some files doesnt seem to be updated on the github repo. is this a common error? what am i goin to do about it?
+ [2015-02-03T18:10:36Z] VxJasonxV https://help.github.com/enterprise/2.1/admin/guides/installation/ / https://help.github.com/enterprise/2.1/admin/guides/installation/migrating-to-a-different-platform-or-from-github-enterprise-11-10-34x/
+ [2015-02-03T18:11:46Z] seanz VxJasonxV: Thanks very much.
+ [2015-02-03T18:13:15Z] VxJasonxV colonolGron: examples?

message no. 77596

Posted by seanz in #github at 2015-02-03T18:08:48Z

VxJasonxV: I have a question about upgrading our GHE instance - I notice that the latest update assumes we've already upgraded to 2.0 first. Does that mean we have to upgrade to 2.0 before using the latest, or can we safely upload that latest to a server running pre-2.0 software?
+ [2015-02-04T18:49:46Z] GunArm is it possible to revert or delete the last commit on the github web interface, without cloning the repo into local gitbash?
+ [2015-02-04T18:50:00Z] GunArm or what about squashing commits
+ [2015-02-04T18:56:28Z] TheSHAD0W I have a fork of a project in my account with no changes from when I forked it; can I update it to the latest from what it was forked without having to delete and re-fork?
+ [2015-02-04T18:59:00Z] thibaultcha GunArm: You can revert the commit from the web interface but not "delete" it. See !revert
+ [2015-02-04T18:59:00Z] gitinfo GunArm: That's a rather ambiguous question... options: a) make a commit that "undoes" the effects of an earlier commit [man git-revert]; b) discard uncommitted changes in the working tree [git reset --hard]; c) undo committing [git reset --soft HEAD^]; d) restore staged versions of files [git checkout -p]; e) move the current branch to a different point(possibly losing commits)[git reset --hard $COMMIT]?