latest 20 messages by skroon

+ [2015-01-08T20:38:47Z] skroon basically I want them to have a branch, how can I send that PR to them?
+ [2015-01-08T20:38:29Z] skroon I would like to send a pull request to original maintaier, however I dn't want to merge with their master, but have a seperate branch (that doesn't exist yet)
+ [2013-08-10T21:16:43Z] skroon unfortunately i'm new as well :_)
+ [2013-08-10T21:16:37Z] skroon hi giacecco
+ [2013-08-10T20:54:58Z] skroon toobad this channel is so quite, I have been around for a couple of days, but not much going on
+ [2013-08-10T20:54:42Z] skroon :-)
+ [2013-08-10T20:53:33Z] skroon because I want to make use of i18n on my site, and have /en/ /nl/ /es/ directories
+ [2013-08-10T20:53:09Z] skroon yeah indeed, but also able to control the URL
+ [2013-08-10T20:46:05Z] skroon like I want to also create some non-blog pages, with features like: /en/features/my-first-feature/
+ [2013-08-10T20:45:47Z] skroon is it possible with octopress to control the url routing?
+ [2013-08-10T20:37:15Z] skroon ah right, do you know if it's also possible to create your own themes easily with octopress?
+ [2013-08-10T20:19:06Z] skroon fredlb: ah right, and octopress comes bundled with some themes or something?
+ [2013-08-10T20:16:14Z] skroon why did you choose octopress?
+ [2013-08-10T20:16:10Z] skroon and why not just go for Jekyll alone?
+ [2013-08-10T20:16:00Z] skroon ah ok :-) thanks
+ [2013-08-10T20:13:07Z] skroon do you know?
+ [2013-08-10T20:13:06Z] skroon I was wondering what's the difference between jekyll and octopress
+ [2013-08-10T20:10:34Z] skroon how are you doing?
+ [2013-08-10T20:08:06Z] skroon hi fredlb
+ [2013-08-10T19:56:51Z] skroon hi