+[2013-08-10T21:16:43Z]skroonunfortunately i'm new as well :_) +[2013-08-10T21:17:11Z]giacecco:-) +[2013-08-10T21:17:28Z]giaceccoI've installed it the first time a couple of hours ago and already bumped into a git headache +[2013-08-10T21:19:29Z]giaceccoI guess I will have to drop the ball for tonight and try again tomorrow +[2013-08-10T21:25:40Z]giaceccog'night skroon
fredlb: ah right, and octopress comes bundled with some themes or something?
+[2013-08-11T03:37:55Z]pontikiskroon: you can definitely create your own pages (not posts) with octopress +[2013-08-11T03:38:04Z]pontikibut then you have to determine how you want to link them in +[2013-08-11T03:38:22Z]pontikiit's not hard, really, but it's not octopress's norm +[2013-08-11T03:38:29Z]pontikiso you have to write stuff +[2013-08-11T03:39:18Z]pontikigoing after i18n is beyond my knowledge at this point, though