latest 5 messages by snooNet-

+ [2015-12-22T21:57:38Z] snooNet- Ok, I ended up just deleting the repo and starting clean. All good now. I guess I'll make a new fork, so that it shows up on my profile like my old fork.
+ [2015-12-22T21:20:02Z] snooNet- I set the fork's upstream to and everything...
+ [2015-12-22T21:19:34Z] snooNet- I know, but I can't figure out how to push now. It still just pushes to my fork.
+ [2015-12-22T21:16:16Z] snooNet- User repo. When I was made a collab, all I got was a notification that I could push now. Didn't deal with keys or anything. So now just add the repo via the site?
+ [2015-12-22T21:08:44Z] snooNet- I'm a collaborator now. How do I push? Delete my pre-collaborator fork and just re-clone...or what?