+ [2015-12-22T21:57:38Z] snooNet- Ok, I ended up just deleting the repo and starting clean. All good now. I guess I'll make a new fork, so that it shows up on my profile like my old fork.
+ [2015-12-22T22:17:30Z] jeremydei hi guys, I'm trying to restore a github enterprise backup taken from one instance onto another fresh instance, using 2.4.0 ami-0b84ce6e. However, after the restore it still wants me to enter a license key.. Does this seem right or did something fail in the restore?
+ [2015-12-22T22:18:08Z] jeremydei When I enter the license key and new master password, then it keeps redirecting me to 8443.. (instead of the main site).
+ [2015-12-22T22:28:09Z] jeremydei i did use the -c, and it did say it was restoring the license..

message no. 123687

Posted by snooNet- in #github at 2015-12-22T21:57:38Z

Ok, I ended up just deleting the repo and starting clean. All good now. I guess I'll make a new fork, so that it shows up on my profile like my old fork.
+ [2016-02-18T07:39:17Z] akamenskiy wishes that Github had votes on issues
+ [2016-02-18T07:41:29Z] kortti akamenskiy: that would be great especially in community-driven projects
+ [2016-02-18T07:43:01Z] akamenskiy kortti: Just had this thought when seen yet another "holy war" in another channel that began with link to the OSS project
+ [2016-02-18T07:44:06Z] akamenskiy Just guess that simple count of up/down votes and generally attention to given topic would give developers great overview if what community needs
+ [2016-02-18T07:45:59Z] akamenskiy And don't think comments would suffice for this