latest 20 messages by stevecrozz

+ [2015-11-25T19:33:06Z] stevecrozz fcanela:
+ [2015-08-04T19:57:26Z] stevecrozz its the templating language you are using :)
+ [2015-08-04T19:56:56Z] stevecrozz
+ [2015-08-04T19:56:55Z] stevecrozz mg123: are you looking for assign?
+ [2015-07-23T05:49:53Z] stevecrozz no prob. good night
+ [2015-07-23T05:47:20Z] stevecrozz hey there you go pontiki: are you using this to drive a javascript serach tool like lunr?
+ [2015-07-23T04:50:16Z] stevecrozz pontiki: very nice!
+ [2015-06-06T22:39:58Z] stevecrozz lukas2511: sounds like a good excuse to try writing a plugin that uses the new jekyll hooks interface
+ [2015-05-29T21:02:20Z] stevecrozz jekyll supports these rubies:
+ [2015-05-15T22:48:42Z] stevecrozz yeah that can be a problem. no help on stackoverflow either?
+ [2015-05-15T22:47:26Z] stevecrozz fluxsource: by putting in pull requests to fix deficiencies that bother us :)
+ [2015-05-11T20:25:12Z] stevecrozz the release cadence is very fast right now:
+ [2015-05-11T20:24:32Z] stevecrozz jnut: can you update to latest octopress?
+ [2015-05-11T19:29:32Z] stevecrozz this is very exciting
+ [2015-05-11T19:29:27Z] stevecrozz hooks are in!
+ [2015-04-21T18:51:39Z] stevecrozz ah good. i will then
+ [2015-04-21T18:50:28Z] stevecrozz yeah. i'm here. i also don't use a lot of rails aside from maintaining errbit
+ [2015-04-21T18:44:05Z] stevecrozz parkr_ are you at railsconf by chance?
+ [2015-04-02T17:54:12Z] stevecrozz no servers to manage is also a nice bonus
+ [2015-04-02T17:53:59Z] stevecrozz the best performance i've found so far is just s3 static site hosting with cloudfront