+ [2015-05-11T22:07:14Z] lukas2511 figured it out now how to add an hour to a date
+ [2015-05-11T22:07:35Z] lukas2511 "{{ include.post.eventstart | date: "%s" | plus: 3600 | date: [...] }}"
+ [2015-05-11T22:15:01Z] jaybe heh; nice
+ [2015-05-11T22:15:23Z] jaybe pipe all the things!
+ [2015-05-11T22:15:42Z] lukas2511 i mean, it's getting a bit stupid in some parts of my templates...

message no. 93355

Posted by stevecrozz in #jekyll at 2015-05-11T19:29:32Z

this is very exciting
+ [2015-05-12T00:03:13Z] derickruiz Hey guys any recommendations for asset management?
+ [2015-05-12T02:32:39Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll#5770 (master) The build was fixed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/62171460
+ [2015-05-12T02:32:43Z] jekyllrb Title: Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence (at travis-ci.org)
+ [2015-05-12T04:58:38Z] derickruiz Hey guys, is it possible include variables in an include?
+ [2015-05-12T04:59:00Z] derickruiz I'm trying the following but I'm getting a Liquid Exception.