latest 15 messages by t4nk986

+ [2016-05-03T07:32:45Z] t4nk986 So github does not allow me to delete a verified email id from my account unless I have another verified email id already. I fail to understand the logic behind this restriction. Can someone please help me understand this better ?
+ [2016-05-03T07:31:37Z] t4nk986 have a basic doubt about the way emails are managed in github
+ [2014-12-03T18:01:55Z] t4nk986 well there is no content at least
+ [2014-12-03T18:01:16Z] t4nk986 aw I thought you own :(
+ [2014-12-03T18:00:30Z] t4nk986 sure is :)
+ [2014-12-03T18:00:16Z] t4nk986 currently
+ [2014-12-03T18:00:12Z] t4nk986 botnets
+ [2014-12-03T18:00:01Z] t4nk986 and if they infect themselves.. well
+ [2014-12-03T17:59:48Z] t4nk986 So that the only way to gain access to that code is per 3v1l 1337 github server hackers
+ [2014-12-03T17:59:30Z] t4nk986 Of course I have to protect my account
+ [2014-12-03T17:59:10Z] t4nk986 Well if I have a private repo that should solve the issue, I think?
+ [2014-12-03T17:56:45Z] t4nk986 bltninja: Neither have I :D
+ [2014-12-03T17:47:11Z] t4nk986 Hi. Is it illegal to upload malware to a private repo to git for research purposes?