+ [2014-12-03T19:04:57Z] benjick makes sense
+ [2014-12-03T19:04:58Z] benjick Cheers
+ [2014-12-03T20:47:51Z] CarlFK weeks ago I forked a repo, some changes have been made upstream. how do I pull in those changes? nothing in my fork, history or otherwise, needs to be saved, so I could delete and fork again, but I am sure there is a better way I should learn

message no. 64577

Posted by t4nk986 in #github at 2014-12-03T17:59:30Z

Of course I have to protect my account
+ [2014-12-04T21:24:33Z] Fetch I'd like to get the aws-sdk-core gem bumped up for github-services (to support Lambda and all the new hotness. But mostly Lambda). Any ideas on whom I could talk to about this and/or a process?
+ [2014-12-04T21:26:35Z] technicalpickles Fetch: I'd start with an issue on https://github.com/github/github-services
+ [2014-12-04T21:27:01Z] technicalpickles https://github.com/github/github-services/blob/master/github-services.gemspec#L60-L65 in particular
+ [2014-12-04T21:31:15Z] Fetch technicalpickles: thanks, done
+ [2014-12-04T21:33:02Z] technicalpickles Fetch: np. I'm not really familiar with how that repository gets deployed, but looks like the place to start