latest 6 messages by tadni_

+ [2014-09-22T05:24:36Z] tadni_ I just ended up making an organization, with the same desired blog name.
+ [2014-09-22T05:16:09Z] tadni_ Seveas: Ah, thank you very much!
+ [2014-09-22T05:13:10Z] tadni_ Seveas: cname?
+ [2014-09-22T04:50:27Z] tadni_ Can one set up a pages blog, without using their username?
+ [2014-09-20T22:00:35Z] tadni_ Ah, got it.
+ [2014-09-20T21:59:32Z] tadni_ can't seem to find how to change the default links for github and twitter, to gitlab and