+ [2014-09-20T14:55:01Z] jaybe wizonesolutions, includes include as is
+ [2014-09-20T14:55:52Z] jaybe wizonesolutions, consider data files for menu contents
+ [2014-09-20T14:56:27Z] jaybe http://jekyllrb.com/docs/datafiles/
+ [2014-09-20T21:59:32Z] tadni_ can't seem to find how to change the default links for github and twitter, to gitlab and social.io
+ [2014-09-20T22:00:35Z] tadni_ Ah, got it.

message no. 48586

Posted by tadni_ in #jekyll at 2014-09-20T22:00:35Z

Ah, got it.
+ [2014-09-21T02:32:44Z] phillipadsmith Any idea why {% for someitem in somecollection | sort 'title' %} doesn't work as expected (which is getting the collection returned sorted by the title of the item, not the directory sort order) ?
+ [2014-09-21T02:46:28Z] phillipadsmith How about a case-insensitive sort?
+ [2014-09-21T02:47:01Z] phillipadsmith Something like: {% assign candidates = site.candidates | sort: 'name_last' | downcase %}
+ [2014-09-21T02:47:24Z] phillipadsmith Problem currently is that names like "de Boers" are coming after everything else