latest 15 messages by tiblock

+ [2015-10-11T10:41:23Z] tiblock pchaigno, thank you very much
+ [2015-10-11T10:36:07Z] tiblock pchaigno, but what is more correct to use?
+ [2015-10-11T10:32:56Z] tiblock Hi. What is format of "Location" in profile? Is it "City, Country" or "Country, City"?
+ [2015-07-11T12:36:43Z] tiblock Hi. I'm new to github, I want to write in something like "Please, if you want write some big stuff for my code and then PullRequest it to me, first ask if I need that changes" so pleoples will not first 3 days write code, then PR it to me and I will not accept it. How to write that correctly?
+ [2015-06-08T12:37:46Z] tiblock Hi. I had issue and I fixed it and closed, but GitHub shows it with red icon like it's closed but not fixed. Google says i need specify issue ID in commit, but i already commited, how to tell GitHub that issue is fixed?
+ [2015-06-06T09:01:26Z] tiblock Nevik, thank you very much. I will talk with pull requester about b)
+ [2015-06-06T07:55:19Z] tiblock Is that like correct way to do it?
+ [2015-06-06T07:49:10Z] tiblock Hi. I am new to github and i have question. I have little project and one guy forked it, made changes and made pull request to my project, but i don't like his code and i want to change lots of stuff. What i need to do in this situations? Is it okay to make changes in his fork and ask him to pull request again with new changes, that i made in his fork?
+ [2015-05-09T13:12:19Z] tiblock Seveas, got it. Thank you.
+ [2015-05-09T13:11:10Z] tiblock Also another newbie question. When i use git on my projects, i do commit for every change i did. Is that okay to do this on github, or better 1 big commit than 10 small?
+ [2015-05-09T13:09:02Z] tiblock Seveas, ah, i think i know what you mean. Thank you.
+ [2015-05-09T13:07:50Z] tiblock Seveas, but what if i need need that global values for other projects? No solution for that?
+ [2015-05-09T12:50:31Z] tiblock Should delete global username and email? (email is too "s@cygwin" instead of correct)
+ [2015-05-09T12:47:31Z] tiblock Hi. Im new to github and i just did my first commit and i have little problem. I use cygwin+git 2.1.0 "git config" shows correct username, but GitHub shows username from "git config --global". What im doing wrong?
+ [2015-03-29T12:14:39Z] tiblock Hi. Im new on github and i want to public python script. But i saw that peoples also put some files like COPYING DEVELOP FILTERS MANIFEST and lots of others. Where i can read about them to see if i need to create them too?