+ [2015-05-09T18:40:38Z] Danny_Joris Nevik: excellent googling, thanks! :)
+ [2015-05-09T18:40:46Z] Nevik :D
+ [2015-05-09T21:08:31Z] bramgg DigialOcean wants "Public SSH keys" permissions on my GitHub account, what can they do with that?
+ [2015-05-09T21:09:06Z] sonOfRa bramgg: they can read out the public keys.
+ [2015-05-09T21:09:22Z] sonOfRa I suppose they use them to add them automatically to newly created droplets

message no. 92924

Posted by tiblock in #github at 2015-05-09T12:47:31Z

Hi. Im new to github and i just did my first commit and i have little problem. I use cygwin+git 2.1.0 "git config user.name" shows correct username, but GitHub shows username from "git config --global user.name". What im doing wrong?
+ [2015-05-10T01:15:26Z] gohanman What do I do when "git fetch origin && git merge origin master" says "Already up-to-date" and "git push origin master" says rejected non-fast-forward where "origin" is github?
+ [2015-05-10T01:18:12Z] Dougie187 gohanman: look at `git log --graph --oneline --decorate master origin/master`
+ [2015-05-10T02:48:13Z] kumavis hello o/
+ [2015-05-10T02:48:40Z] kumavis is it possible to create an oauth token for read-only access to a specific private repo