+ [2017-03-19T17:41:38Z] brakels hey, I'm new to jekyll, and I'm trying to load some javascript on every page. Normally I'd add a <script> to the <head>, but I don't see how to do that. Do I need to change the theme?
+ [2017-03-19T17:42:10Z] brakels or is there an _includes file I can add that will automatically be injected into the head?
+ [2017-03-19T17:46:32Z] brakels I think I may have found my answer: if I'm reading docs/themes right, theme files are looked for in your projects assets/_layouts/_includes/_sass folders before the theme's, so if I, say, copy my theme's _includes/head.html to my project folder, then I can add my tags there?
+ [2017-03-19T19:09:56Z] brakels that seems to have worked. my page is up at hacks.brakeley.net, and the javascript was for the lightbox image viewing, which looks awesome.
+ [2017-03-19T22:36:52Z] firas hey guys regarding pagination links, I have a setup in which I can go next and previous and click on the pages' numbers shown in pagination links to go to that page;however, I want to limit the number of pages shown in the links to 10 only and not 500 (if I had many posts) maybe somethin like this "<< Prev 1 2 3 4(Current will be <strong>) 5 6 7 8 9 10 .. 500 Next >>"

message no. 165986

Posted by timwis in #jekyll at 2017-03-19T00:03:37Z

Hey allejo ! Yeah I'm doing that here : https://github.com/CodeForPhilly/philly-ward-leaders/blob/v2/_layouts/default.html it's just a bit verbose when trying to accommodate both local and external assets
+ [2017-03-20T04:05:35Z] jekyllrb I do not know about 'pagination', but I do know about these similar topics: 'paginate'
+ [2017-03-20T04:05:35Z] jaybe [[pagination ]]
+ [2017-03-20T04:05:43Z] jaybe [[paginate ]]
+ [2017-03-20T04:05:43Z] jekyllrb (paginate) https://github.com/sverrirs/jekyll-paginate-v2
+ [2017-03-20T04:06:30Z] jaybe ./factoids alias paginate pagination