latest 20 messages by tyil

+ [2016-10-21T22:07:03Z] tyil I'm not really looking for a fight yet again, I just want to know where I can properly submit an issue regarded the site
+ [2016-10-21T22:06:40Z] tyil I have asked it already before, and was met with quite a bit of hate and eventually being told that I need a "core member", which apparently are not on irc
+ [2016-10-21T21:54:21Z] tyil but chances are pretty high it suffers the same issues anyway, making me unable to use it
+ [2016-10-21T21:53:57Z] tyil currently gives me a 504
+ [2016-10-21T21:51:58Z] tyil jaybe: it's about the way the site is hosted, not a bug with jekyll itself
+ [2016-10-21T13:35:11Z] tyil generally people have a mailing list for exactly that
+ [2016-10-21T13:35:05Z] tyil well, I was told there's no core members on irc, and I cant use the site because of cloudflare, so I'd assume there is some way to reach out to some of the higher ups
+ [2016-10-21T07:38:38Z] tyil how can I join the jekyll ML?
+ [2016-10-19T19:57:11Z] tyil if you can run ruby you can run jekyll
+ [2016-10-19T11:33:34Z] tyil how can I join the jekyll mailing list to address the issue of the use of cloudflare on the site?
+ [2016-10-06T16:00:02Z] tyil goes afk
+ [2016-10-06T15:59:59Z] tyil then again, this is wasting time too, and I'm most likely not going to get a sane explanation anyway
+ [2016-10-06T15:59:34Z] tyil clearly not, which again brings me to why you would waste both of our time by starting to add your own faulty interpretation if you're unsure, instead of simply verify it
+ [2016-10-06T15:58:15Z] tyil not much to misinterpret from that question
+ [2016-10-06T15:57:38Z] tyil there is a default posts collection, I want it gone
+ [2016-10-06T15:57:21Z] tyil how can I make that more clear?
+ [2016-10-06T15:57:12Z] tyil "I want to disable the default posts collection"
+ [2016-10-06T15:56:47Z] tyil but maybe I'm just too interested in actual answers instead of mediocre workarounds
+ [2016-10-06T15:56:12Z] tyil sounds silly to waste both your own time and mine by not just asking "why" and giving a straight answer instead
+ [2016-10-06T15:54:15Z] tyil why beat around the bush for so long :/