+ [2016-10-06T19:48:51Z] jaybe ./topic
+ [2016-10-06T19:48:52Z] jekyllrb jekyll 3.3 - Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby - Home: jekyllrb.com - Docs: jekyllrb.com/docs/home - GitHub: github.com/jekyll/jekyll - Help/Talk: talk.jekyllrb.com - Teams: teams.jekyllrb.com - Liquid: http://shopify.github.com/liquid - Logs: botbot.me/freenode/jekyll
+ [2016-10-06T19:54:50Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll-sitemap#266 The build passed. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-sitemap/builds/165634702
+ [2016-10-06T20:28:44Z] jaybe does jekyll-feed not provide for teasing/description with excerpt?
+ [2016-10-06T21:24:32Z] allejo is jekyllbot on github open source?

message no. 152836

Posted by tyil in #jekyll at 2016-10-06T15:59:34Z

clearly not, which again brings me to why you would waste both of our time by starting to add your own faulty interpretation if you're unsure, instead of simply verify it
+ [2016-10-07T13:09:46Z] vegardx Why on earth do you need a jekyll plugin to do even the simplest things in liquid, like removing whitespace?
+ [2016-10-07T13:10:21Z] vegardx {%- foo -%> is not valid in jekyll, but it's valid liquid.
+ [2016-10-07T13:11:55Z] vegardx Leads me to believe that Jekyll isn't using liquid, but liquid-style templating.
+ [2016-10-07T13:26:32Z] jaybe One doesnt need a plugin to remove liquid induced whitespace
+ [2016-10-07T13:27:19Z] jaybe Jekyll uses a subset of [[ liquid ]] directives