+ [2013-09-28T22:32:08Z] bret I think
+ [2013-09-28T22:32:17Z] bret yeah :). good lick
+ [2013-09-28T22:32:34Z] viccuad I tried with site.mylink.title
+ [2013-09-28T22:33:09Z] viccuad buut not even close
+ [2013-09-28T23:23:46Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1905 (print-webrick-url-if-muted) The build failed. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/11914894

message no. 10732

Posted by viccuad in #jekyll at 2013-09-28T22:32:34Z

I tried with site.mylink.title
+ [2013-09-29T23:20:39Z] buzzdecafe using jekyll 1.2.1, ruby 1.9.3: jekyll --watch --detach => Deprecation: Jekyll now uses subcommands instead of just switches. Run `jekyll help' to find out more. invalid option: --watch
+ [2013-09-29T23:21:16Z] buzzdecafe nm, forgot to add "serve"
+ [2013-09-30T01:37:59Z] OWNSyouAll_DESKT Is it possible to create multiple site.posts? To have seperate posts in say _posts2?
+ [2013-09-30T02:54:45Z] HashNuke hey people ~!
+ [2013-09-30T02:55:03Z] HashNuke "jekyll serve" command doesn't automatically compile files that are changed?