latest 7 messages by vperic

+ [2014-12-11T23:33:55Z] vperic If I understand correctly, all I need to do is push the _site/ directory and add a .nojekyll empty file to the repo?
+ [2014-12-11T23:33:04Z] vperic Yeah, the problem is installing it on my PC, not on Githubs. :)
+ [2014-12-11T23:32:53Z] vperic But apparently the theme I've chosen uses some plugins github pages doesn't support, so I think I'll end up just pushing the generated html.
+ [2014-12-11T23:31:45Z] vperic mchelen: seems I did something wrong
+ [2014-12-11T23:22:51Z] vperic So now, while my site deploys normally locally, I'm not sure if it's going to run on Github or not (and I'm not sure due to "up to thirty minutes until page is available")
+ [2014-12-11T23:19:26Z] vperic Trying to install the mentioned gem, jekyll-coffeescript manually seems to work fine.
+ [2014-12-11T23:18:55Z] vperic Hi, I'm having some trouble installing github-pages. I get these errors when I try (with the suggested Gemfile):