+ [2014-12-11T23:33:04Z] vperic Yeah, the problem is installing it on my PC, not on Githubs. :)
+ [2014-12-11T23:33:05Z] mchelen ah yup that would be an issue
+ [2014-12-11T23:33:26Z] mchelen if its building find locally then pushing the generated html is a good choice
+ [2014-12-11T23:33:55Z] vperic If I understand correctly, all I need to do is push the _site/ directory and add a .nojekyll empty file to the repo?
+ [2014-12-11T23:34:19Z] mchelen i think it's something like that, i forget exactly

message no. 65668

Posted by vperic in #jekyll at 2014-12-11T23:31:45Z

mchelen: seems I did something wrong
+ [2014-12-12T16:57:50Z] rj46 hello, is there some quickfix for this kind of error http://pastebin.com/zy4KcpWY
+ [2014-12-12T16:57:51Z] jekyllrb Title: remote: Liquid Exception: stack level too deep in site.json remote: /home/use - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)
+ [2014-12-12T16:58:23Z] jaybe please describe the issue
+ [2014-12-12T16:59:57Z] rj46 jaybe: Its my first time with jekyll, I wanted to test some themes, I cloned repo, installed gems and try to push it to bare repo